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2024 대한대장항문학회 

제57차 학술대회

Program at a Glance

Day Time Room 1  Room 2  Room 3
3월 29일(금)     08:30-12:30 등록
10:00-11:30 [Abstract] Basic & Translational Research [Abstract] IBD & Benign [Abstract] Neoplasia 1
11:30-12:30 Break
12:30-13:00 개회식
13:00-14:30 [진료권고안위원회] Highlights of KSCP Colon Cancer Guideline 2023 [Cancer] What is the Optimal Treatment for Colon Cancer? [차세대 정책연구단] 중개 연구의 시작, 다양한 연구 방법의 기초
14:30-15:00 Break
15:00-16:30 [의무윤리약자보호위원회] 의료 윤리와 의료 감정 [Benign Colorectal Disease] All about Appendicitis & Diverticulitis [편집위원회] 좋은 심사자는 곧 좋은 저자: 심사자 되어보기
16:30-17:00 Break
17:00-18:00 [Abstract] Neoplasia 2 [Abstract] Neoplasia 3 [Abstract] Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Disease
Day Time Room 1  Room 2  Room 3
3월 30일(토) 08:00-08:30 등록
08:30-10:00 [연구위원회] Establishing Evidence through Clinical Trials for Determining Optimal Treatment Approaches [Core Subject] Think out of the Box [Wound & Ostomy] Making Stoma, Not for Surgeon, But for Patient 
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-11:00 Memorial Lectureship Honoring Kim Kwang-Yeon
11:00-11:30 회장강연
11:30-12:00 총회
12:00-13:00 Luncheon Symposium
(Sponsored by Olympus)
Luncheon Symposium
(Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson)
Luncheon Seminar
(Sponsored by Livsmed)
13:00-14:00 [Abstract] Multicenter Clinical Trials [Abstract] Neoplasia 4 [Abstract] Neoplasia 5
14:00-14:30 Break (Video 1)
14:30-16:00 [KSCP정책대토론회] 우리는 지금 어디?, 그리고 어디로? [Future Medicine] Next Generation Techniques [데이터관리위원회] K-QIPS: Toward the Greatest Patient Safety in Surgery
16:00-16:30 Break (Video 2)
16:30-18:00 [일차의료기획위원회] 긴급진단!, 대장항문외과의사가 사라진다 [친목] 외과의사의 글쓰기, 세상과의 소통 [QoL] Optimal Management for Postoperative Complications 
18:00 회원과 가족을 위한 만찬
Day Time Room 1  Room 2  Room 3
3월 31일(일) 08:00-08:30 등록
08:30-10:00 [내시경위원회] Colonoscopy Related Complications [Anorectal Diseases] Learning with Rising Masters [Chemotherapy] All about Chemotherapy, Before and After Surgery
10:00-10:30 Break (Video 3)
10:30-12:00 [Colonoscopy] 대장암의 Screening및 Surveillence [Pelvic Floor Disorders] Multidisciplinary Approach for Pelvic Pain [Anorectal Problems] How I Do It?
12:00-13:00 Luncheon Symposium
(Sponsored by Medtronic)
  Luncheon Seminar
(Sponsored by HK inno.N)
13:00-14:30 [Hernia] Recent Advancement of Hernia Surgery [MIS] What is the Optimal Treatment for Rectal Cancer? [IBD] Improvement of Treatment Quality and Outcomes
14:30-15:00 시상 및 폐회식