회원 로그인
Room 1 |
좌장: 배기범(인제의대), 이택구(충북의대)
Room 2 |
좌장: 박원철(원광의대), 조민수(연세의대)
Room 3 |
좌장: 김진(고려의대), 이택구(충북의대)
09:30-10:00 | Break |
Room 1 |
좌장: 송승호(경북의대), 유효선(고려의대)
10:00-10:20 | TBD | 김창우 | 아주의대 |
10:20-10:40 | Panic situations in operating room | 유승범 | 서울의대 |
10:40-11:00 | TBD | 박준석 | 경북의대 |
11:00-11:20 | TBD | 계봉현 | 가톨릭의대 |
11:20-11:30 | Discussion |
Room 2 |
좌장: 김병천(한림의대), 김형진(가톨릭의대)
10:00-10:20 | Recurred inguinal hernia | 이철승 | 한솔병원 |
10:20-10:40 | Incarcerated or strangulated inguinal hernia | 김지훈 | 가톨릭의대 |
10:40-11:00 | Obturator/Femoral hernia | 김종태 | 진주제일병원 |
11:00-11:20 | Traumatic hernia | 김영민 | 가천의대 |
11:20-11:30 | Discussion |
Room 3 |
좌장: 김지연(충남의대), 문선미(원자력의학원)
10:00-10:15 | Real practice and essentials for outpatient and inpatient chemotherapy | 성낙송 | 건양의대 |
10:15-10:30 | All about chemotherapy induced adverse effect and its management to complete chemotherapy | 김종완 | 한림의대 |
10:30-10:45 | Evidence for adjuvant chemotherapy in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy | 강성일 | 영남의대 |
10:45-11:00 | Current evidence and role of ct-DNA for chemotherapy in colorectal cancer | 강동현 | 순천향의대 |
11:00-11:15 | Optimal therapeutic strategies for systemic chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer | 이경하 | 충남의대 |
11:15-11:30 | Discussion |
Room 1 |
11:30-12:30 | TBD |
Room 1 |
Room 1 |
좌장: 이민로(전북의대), 곽정면(고려의대)
13:00-13:20 | The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of upper rectal cancer | 이길용 | 가톨릭의대 |
13:20-13:40 | Immunotherapy as a neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer | 김진원 | 서울의대 종양내과 |
13:40-14:00 | Is it okay to watch-and-wait? | 지웅배 | 고려의대 |
14:00-14:20 | Reviewing the oncologic outcomes of Transanal TME | 노경태 | 이화의대 |
14:20-14:30 | Discussion |
Room 2 |
좌장: 김갑태(전주예수병원), 조현민(가톨릭의대)
13:00-13:20 | Pseuobstruction and slow transit constipation: causes and diagnosis/medical treatment | 김찬욱 | 울산의대 |
13:20-13:40 | Pseuobstruction and slow transit constipation: Surgical options and the best timing | 하기원 | 전북의대 |
13:40-14:00 | Management of ischemic colitis: medical treatment and long-term outcomes | 문희석 | 충남의대 소화기내과 |
14:00-14:20 | Surgical management for ischemic colitis: various options (indication, anastomosis) | 양성수 | 울산의대 |
14:20-14:30 | Discussion |
Room 3 |
좌장: 엄준원(고려의대), 박선진(경희의대)
13:00-13:20 | K-QIPS CRS: Review the past 3 years and plan the next 3 years | 박윤영 | 경희의대 |
13:20-13:40 | Preview surgical risk calculation from K-QIPS CRS database | 송승호 | 경북의대 |
13:40-14:00 | What are research outcomes of K-QIPS CRS? | 정진옥 | 고려의대 |
14:00-14:20 | Data Integrity: The current data audit status and suggestion for improvement | 윤순석 | 고려의대 |
14:20-14:30 | Discussion |
Room 1 |
좌장: 이인규(가톨릭의대), 백성규(계명의대)
15:00-15:20 | TBD | ||
15:20-15:40 | TBD | ||
15:40-16:00 | TBD | ||
16:00-16:20 | TBD | ||
16:20-16:30 | Discussion |
Room 2 |
좌장: 정승용(서울의대), 백정흠(가천의대)
15:00-15:20 | Colon cancer organoid model for therapeutic application | 박소연 | 이화여대 약학대학 |
15:20-15:40 | Control of microenvironment for colon cancer treatment | 조용범 | 성균관의대 |
15:40-16:00 | Organs on a chips: design and engineering | 안송이 | 카이스트 기계공학과 |
16:00-16:20 | Patient derived xenograft | 문형곤 | 서울의대 유방내분비외과 |
16:20-16:30 | Discussion |
Room 3 |
좌장: 박인자(울산의대), 손경모(부산의대)
15:00-15:20 | How to initiate paper writing | 강상희 | 고려의대 |
15:20-15:40 | How to summarize as attractive table and figure | 박은정 | 울산의대 |
15:40-16:10 | Tips for making figures, graphs, and graphical/video abstracts | 장동수 | 연세의대, 인포그래피대표 |
16:10-16:30 | How to pass the review process easily | 이수영 | 전남의대 |
Room 1
김희철(성균관의대), 강정현(연세의대)
Room 2 |
육의곤(장튼위튼병원), 정형중(대항병원)
Room 3 |
김덕우(서울의대), 정운경(계명의대)